You may be considering investing in brand photos or you already have a new bank of images to use. But you may not be aware of all the different ways you can put them to use and make sure you get as much value from your investment as possible. Here are some ideas to consider.
- to update the images on your website.
- to update your profile photos across all of your platforms.
- to create multiple social media posts with a consistent look in terms of colour, tone and quality
- to include in your newsletter or blogs.
- to update new business cards & marketing materials
- to create social media content with text in the blank space of the photo
- to use for PR opportunities and print
- to include in Canva designs
How to use your brand photos with your social media marketing.
In order for your social media marketing to have a real impact on the growth of your business, it is important to consider your broader marketing strategy and who your audience is.